76 years old, male, with severe anemia and cardiac failure, who suffered a domestic scald producing a full-thickness burn of the anterior chest. The biologicalk status of this very ill patient forbids any aggressive surgery such as early tangential excision and grafting.
Fig. 1: Initial aspect of the neglected scald six weeks ago, first treated in a local surgery and then sent to the burn centre with severe anaemia (Hb 6 g/dl).
Fig. 2: After five weeks of systemic treatment combined with passive debridement using LIGASANO® white, the haemoglobine value increased to 10 g/dl and the burned area was clean and with very good granulation tissue.
Fig. 3: Finally the granulated surface was covered with meshed split-thickness skin grafts anchored by absorbable separate sutures.
Fig. 4: 10 days after the operation all the grafts have taken and the full-thickness scald burn was healed. This patient left the hospital zwo months after the admission.