80 years old, male, with a basal cell carcinoma on the right anterior scalp, that has been excised and treated by secondary healing with LIGASANO® white dressings.
Fig. 1: initial aspect one day after extensive removal of the BCC.
Fig. 2: treatment with LIGASANO® white dressing.
Fig. 3: five weeks after surgery showing a good cosmetic appearence.
Fig. 4: five weeks after surgery showing a good cosmetic appearence.
Fig. 5: early recurrence on the suture line and no recurrence in the area treated with LIGASANO® white.
Fig. 6: surgical removal of this last lesion and LIGASANO® white dressing again.
Fig. 7: another subcutaneous recurrence in the suture line.
Fig. 8: final aspect after subcutaneous wide excision of that tumor (no recurrence again in the area treated with LIGASANO® white.