Burns: Case 14
56 years old homeless male patient with a full-thickness flame burn.
56 years old homeless male patient with a full-thickness flame burn.
36 years old, male, with full-thickness flame burn and inhalation injuries.
76 years old, male, with severe anemia and cardiac failure, who suffered a domestic scald producing a full-thickness burn of the anterior chest. The biologicalk status of this very ill patient forbids any aggressive surgery such as early tangential excision and grafting.
26 years old, male, with a full-thickness circumferential burn of the left leg, treatet first by tangential excision and followed by passive debridement with LIGASANO® white until the wound bed was fully granulated and able to receive a split-thickness skin graft. This case has been cured in about two month.
72 years old, male, type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetes diagnosis 1977, insulin therapy with 2x combination insulin 30/70. Coronary heart disease, nephropathy.
68 years old with heavy electric burns of the head and body.
54 years old, male, type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetes diagnosis 1992, insulin therapy with 2x combination insulin. Coronary heart disease, silent myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension
64 years old, male, type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetes diagnosis 1969, insulin therapy with two injections of combination insulin 30/70. Arterial occlusive disease
27 years old, with heavy electric burnsof the head and body.
69 years old, male, type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetes diagnosis 1987, insulin therapy 3x normal insulin and NPH insuline at night. Coronary heart disease with global insufficiency