Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case8
22 years old, female, with hidradenitis suppurative of the left axilla (armpit), incised and drained with adapted LIGASANO® white wicks.
Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case7
80 years old, male, with a basal cell carcinoma on the right anterior scalp, that has been excised and treated by secondary healing with LIGASANO® white dressings.
Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case6
29 years old, male, with a left fore-arm abscess, incised and drained with LIGASANO® white wicks.
Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case5
33 years old, male, with a recurrent pilonidal sinus, widely excised and packed with LIGASANO® white.
Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case4
wound dehiscence after amputation
integrated transplant
Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case3
Fig. 1 and 2 show the wound cleaning effect of LIGASANO® white; in this case a clean wound ground with sufficient blood supply became visible after one week.
Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case2
The therapeutic effect of LIGASANO® white was shown especially at the care of abdominal, postoperative wound healing impairments. During the phase of secretion.
Surgery/Plastic Surgery Case1
Fig. 1 to 4 show, how a wound in the inguinal region (state after abscess removal) with a depth of 3 cm and a wound undermining to medial 8 cm, is dressed with LIGASANO® white.