75 years old, male, with full-thickness flame and contact right facial burn (hot oven). This is a recent case that is still in process.
Fig. 1: initial aspect at the admission in the Burn Unit.
Fig. 2: treatment with LIGASANO® white dressing.
Fig. 3: after one month with the frontal bone denuded.
Fig. 4: after one month with the frontal bone denuded.
Fig. 5: curing surgery (two large “H-shape” advancement flaps to close the frontal bone, combined with full-thickness skin graft for the upper and lower eyelid ectropion).
Fig. 6: few days after surgery (a small raw area is still present but the skull bone is completely covered).
Fig. 7: different aspects during the post-operative treatment with LIGASANO® white.
Fig. 8: different aspects during the post-operative treatment with LIGASANO® white.
Fig. 9: different aspects during the post-operative treatment with LIGASANO® white.
Fig. 10: different aspects during the post-operative treatment with LIGASANO® white.