Leg Ulcer/Ulcus Cruris Case10
70 years old, with a history of an over 20 years old left leg very deep and extensive leg ulcer. Wound bed preparation with LIGASANO® white for about eight weeks, followed by tangential excission of the ulcer bed.
70 years old, with a history of an over 20 years old left leg very deep and extensive leg ulcer. Wound bed preparation with LIGASANO® white for about eight weeks, followed by tangential excission of the ulcer bed.
48 years old, with a history of eight years of a very deep, extensive left leg ulcer. Wound bed preparation for about 10 weeks with LIGASANO® white, followed by tangential excision and grafting.
68 years old with an old, deep and extensive ulcer of the left knee. Wound bed preparation using LIGASANO® white for 6-8 weeks and tangential excision followed by defect cover with autologous STSG.
50 years old, with extensive neglected ulcer of the left leg. Wound bed preparation using LIGASANO® white for about 6-8 weeks, followed by tangential excission and skin grafting (STSG).
68 years old, bilateral leg ulcers and extensive soft tissue infection of the right leg; Meyer-Hubatka incisions followed by surgical and passive debridement (with LIGASANO® white)
In the case of stagnant wounds, that already exist partly several years (fig. 1 and 3) and where almost all wound healing measurements didn´t improve the wound healing, we noticed by using LIGASANO.
LIGASANO® white PUR foam may lead to a significant reduction of germs in the wound area. This showed us the progress of wound healing at a 65 years old patient with an infected venous ulcus cruris.
45 years old, female, with a very old giant venous leg ulcer (over 15 years of evolution); this is a recent case that still in process.
57 years old, female, with venous insufficiency, leg ulcer and an extensive lipodermatosclerosis.